Looking for a web hosting service to setup your new website? It is essential that you understand the different types of web hosting services that are available to ensure that you choose the right one for your website. This will not only cut down your costs and make efficient use of the web hosting service, but it will also ensure that you have chosen the most suitable package for your website given that each type focuses on and caters to special kinds of needs. Following are the pros and cons of the most common types of web hosting services used:

Shared Web Hosting
As the name suggests, shared web hosting service is simply a server that is shared by many client (website owners). The biggest advantage of this type of web hosting service is that the setup cost will be low since it will be divided. (With the cost as low as $5). However, this would also mean that the performance and traffic on other websites can affect your website. So if a website on the shared server has heavy traffic then the performance on your website can be affected.

Dedicated Web Server
Using a dedicated web server will mean that you have your own separate and private service through the process of renting a physical server from a web hosting company. This will give you the benefits of getting rid of websites that take up your resources.

Virtual Private Server (VPS)
You can consider this web host as the middle ground between a shared server and a private individual server. Despite the fact that it only shares on physical server will all the clients, it acts like a separate sever for every client. You can visit lwcouponcodes.com for discounted VPS services.

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